Donna J. Weiser


When was the first time you compared yourself to someone else? I can remember when I was in second grade, and I was  jealous of one of the girls who didn’t want to be my friend. She was the most popular girl in our grade and I wanted to be just like her.

Theodore Roosevelt said. “Comparison is the thief of joy” and he was 100% right. I felt miserable every day when I went to school because I kept comparing myself to that popular little girl, who by the way,  wasn’t very nice.

When we constantly compare ourselves to others, we often feel inadequate or envious, which can diminish our happiness. Instead of focusing on our own progress and achievements, we become preoccupied with measuring up to others, which can lead to a sense of unworthiness.

Therapy and 12 step meeting rooms were very helpful to me when I was in my 20s. At that time I felt  a deep sense of unworthiness. I was able to discern that my low self esteem began as a little girl, comparing myself to others.

Those feelings of low self esteem led me to a food addiction and I became a compulsive overeater.

I’m happy to report that after many years of personal development, I am much more conscious about NOT comparing myself to others.

While some level of comparison can be natural, it’s important to be mindful of how it affects our mental and emotional well-being. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we can strive to focus on our own journey, celebrate our own achievements, and cultivate a sense of gratitude for who we are and what we have.

So here’s to you, the wonderful human you are. Stop comparing yourself to others. Celebrate your successes today and each and every day.

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