Donna J. Weiser


Health Affirmations

  • I take care of my emotional, physical and spiritual needs daily.
  • I am a divinely healthy and fit human being.
  • I eat foods daily that nourish my body.
  • I am trim, fit, radiant and vibrant
  • I am full of vitality, boundless energy and my body functions perfectly.
  • I have a strong core and I do exercises daily that  strengthen my core & keep me in excellent shape.


  • Life is easy,  life is good,  life is fun and joyful. 
  • I am deliberately focusing my attention on the positive, the joy, the fun and the incredible
  • The feeling of joy, well-being, happiness and success permeates my being every day.
  • I exude joy and everyone around me feels that and catches it.
  • I am worthy and deserving of all the wonderful gifts I have and continue to receive
  • I have balance and harmony in my life.
  • Life is fun and life is good. I love this day.
  • I can’t wait to see who shows up in my life today.

Abundance /Wealth

  • Money flows easily and effortlessly into my life
  • I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance
  • My actions create wealth, prosperity and abundance
  • I am a divine magnet for money
  • I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me
  • I always have more than enough
  • My wallet and bank balance are overflowing with money
  • I create financial abundance so I can give back in amazing ways
  • I am a shining example of total prosperity
  • I attract all the resources and people necessary to have a prosperous and a wonderful life


  • My partner (fill in the name) and my relationship is filled with a deep love for each other. It is filled with joy and fun, laughter,  romance and passion!
  • We both strive to be happy and healthy and filled with joy.
  • We have wonderful goals for the future of our lives that we aspire to achieve together.
  • I have a great relationship with my family and friends. I see the best in them, always keep them in my prayers and thoughts and focus on their positive qualities.
  • I only speak kindly of others, and I inspire greatness in others.
  • I strive to be the best I can be and inspire others to do the same
  • I am an excellent listener, and I am totally present when others are speaking.
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